Tuesday, 17 July 2012

The family development theory

The family development theory gives me an in site on the changes in the family and how these changes occur in the family life cycle. The theories state that as people progress through various stages and event of the family life cycle they accomplish specific development task. This gives me an understanding that at different stages over the life span each member must accomplish the specific developmental tasks which are role expectations and responsibilities. For example showing affection, as the oldest girl in my family I help to care for the younger ones showing them love when needed. The theories believe that for one to be a successful family member you need to adapt to changing needs and demands and to attend to task that are necessary to ensure family survival. In my family of origin we have accomplish up to the six stages according to Duvall’s model of the family life cycle and we have accomplish our developmental tasks. We all learn to socialize, we development peer relationship and now we have all enter adult world of employment and there has been the formation of one family.

What I like about this theory is that if a member fails to accomplish a task this does not stop the family from moving to the next stage, the family still function but the failure may limit the ability to function as the next stage. I know of a family that after the first and only child was born the family start to fail because the mother place all her attention to the child alone and pay little or no attention to her husband  of which the family end up in a divorces. This family stage seven when on but have its limitations. This theory helps me to understand that there are challenges that a family will face and even though one critical evaluation state that ‘the processes of life are not always so neatly cleanly segmented. I think the theories show clearly some of the stop signs that will bring limitation to the family.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Family Development Theory

Family Development Theory

The family development theory seeks to explain the different stages that a typical nuclear family passes through. This stage is also known as the family life cycle. It shows how the family develops overtime.
There are eight stages of the family life cycle; the first stage is called the beginning stage. This is also known as the period of establishment at this stage each party might want to disengage themselves from relationships that might compete with the family. Stage two consists of the child bearing family. This is where the couple starts having children and the cycle continues until all the children are gone. This stage is called the contracting stage or the empty nest; however the last child might stay home.
That is the case with my family all the other children now live on his/ her own with the exception of my younger sister who is still at home with mom. If u skip a stage in the cycle this does not prevent you from moving on to the next stage. It is very important to look at how ones family develop as this helps you to understand how and why certain things happen in your family life. My family of orientation is at the expanding stage and will remain at this point for a long period however. It is interesting to note that skipping a stage in the cycle does not prevent you from moving on to the next. This cycle only acknowledge the nuclear family as the ideal family and starts with marriage. My mother was never married to my father however; this does not mean that we are not a family as there are various family forms that presently exist.

The Family Development Theory

The Family development theory views families’ transition overtime. This theory looks at a specific interest, “the family life cycle”. This theory examines the family as it relates to its life cycle. The family life cycle it describes, starts from marriage and ends with the death of one spouse. Though the Duvall’s life cycle is evident in my family, this is not how most families will be described. Most families are not so “neatly and cleanly segmented”. Not every family goes through marriage and divorce and in some families a child may die first. Yes this theory may be good psychological tools in sustaining marriages conversely are all marriages worth saving. So, this theory I presume can cause families to live a fairy tale life. A glaring example is such: I have learnt of a married couple with children; the man was a homosexual. The wife found out years after from people who had opened the ‘closet’. She refused to have believed. One unfaithful night he tried to make love to her in that unnatural manner which convince her. She was devastated. So, she went to their pastor. What did the pastor do? He used the family development theory. Do you think this theory should have being the approach? I strongly believe it should not because it advised them to continue a family where is conflict of interest and is unhealthy for social wellbeing. However they did went through the Duvall’s life cycle, all the children left the home, her husband died by his male lover and now she is retired from teaching.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Family Development Theory

Family Development

This theory deals with the changes that families go through over a period of time. It also deals with the transitions that a family makes as it moves through the series of stages or events. The stages includes: The beginning family which includes husband and wife with no child or children. Each family should go through this stage. My family is at this stage which is my family of procreation which is also a childless family. The average length of this stage is 2 to 3 years however; some families never leave this stage while others take a longer time in this stage. This is also the preparation stage for the childbearing family where there is wife/mother, husband/father and infant(s). My family of origin went through this stage already and I am looking forward to this stage as it will make me feel fulfilled to carry on the life cycle of my own family. The average length in this stage is two years. Moving on to stage three the family with preschool children, then stage four family with school age children, stage five family with teenager, stage six family as launching centre. My family of origin is still at this stage as I have launched out and my little brother is still at home along with his son. Stage seven is the family in middle years and finally stage eight the aging family. My mother’s family of origin is at this stage which is my grandparents they are now coping with bereavement and living alone as they have recently lost a daughter. In the family development theory each stage has its own specific tasks. These tasks change over a period of time leading to another stage at times. This theory is focused on the traditional nuclear family. Many persons argued or this theory is critised that not all family goes through this order rigidly and even if they go through the stages the average time may be longer than some. I believe that each family will go through at least a few of these stages but not all and some may go through the stages faster than some. I believe that stages do not have any strict order and some may come become the other. In addition it is of my belief that you will eventually go through the stages even if you have to reverse at times.