This theory deals with
the changes that families go through over a period of time. It also deals with
the transitions that a family makes as it moves through the series of stages or
events. The stages includes: The beginning family which includes husband and
wife with no child or children. Each family should go through this stage. My
family is at this stage which is my family of procreation which is also a
childless family. The average length of this stage is 2 to 3 years however;
some families never leave this stage while others take a longer time in this
stage. This is also the preparation stage for the childbearing family where
there is wife/mother, husband/father and infant(s). My family of origin went
through this stage already and I am looking forward to this stage as it will
make me feel fulfilled to carry on the life cycle of my own family. The average
length in this stage is two years. Moving on to stage three the family with
preschool children, then stage four family with school age children, stage five
family with teenager, stage six family as launching centre. My family of origin
is still at this stage as I have launched out and my little brother is still at
home along with his son. Stage seven is the family in middle years and finally
stage eight the aging family. My mother’s family of origin is at this stage
which is my grandparents they are now coping with bereavement and living alone
as they have recently lost a daughter. In the family development theory each
stage has its own specific tasks. These tasks change over a period of time
leading to another stage at times. This theory is focused on the traditional
nuclear family. Many persons argued or this theory is critised that not all
family goes through this order rigidly and even if they go through the stages
the average time may be longer than some. I believe that each family will go
through at least a few of these stages but not all and some may go through the
stages faster than some. I believe that stages do not have any strict order and
some may come become the other. In addition it is of my belief that you will
eventually go through the stages even if you have to reverse at times.
I believe that all family go through most of the stages that the developmental theory speaks about.Yes some will not leave stage 1 while as Angeleta state it will last for some people 2 to 3 years or even more depend on the couples goal.